月儿 发表于 2007-2-1 15:24:10

[02/01][教程] 簡單的文字變色特效

<TABLE borderColor=lightblue cellSpacing=100 cellPadding=40 width="85%" background=http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b51/lyh_/MATERIAL/bg/cutie/49cf4ee4.gif border=2>
<TD bgColor=white><BR><BR><BR>
<CENTER><FONT id=font1 style="FONT-SIZE: 30pt" face=华文行楷 color=#ce2020>谢谢各网友的支持<?import namespace = t urn = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time" implementation = "#default#time2" declareNamespace /><t:animateColor id=color1 attributeName = "color" targetElement = "font1" to = "#1A1AE6" begin = "1" dur = "2" repeatCount = "111"><BR></FONT></t:animateColor><BR><BR><BR><FONT color=#444444 size=4>代碼如下 : </FONT><BR><BR><TEXTAREA rows=7 cols=70>&lt;FONT id=font1 style="FONT-SIZE: 30pt" face=华文行楷 color=#CE2020&gt;谢谢各网友的支持&lt;?import namespace=t urn="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time" implementation="#default#time2" declareNamespace/&gt;&lt;t:animateColor id="color1" targetElement="font1" attributeName="color" to="#1A1AE6" begin="1" dur="2" repeatCount="111"&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;&lt;/t:animateColor&gt;</TEXTAREA><BR><BR><BR><BR></CENTER></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR><BR><BLINK><FONT color=red size=4><B>**注意** <BR>各位拷貝代碼時, 請把"font1"里的數字轉換成別的數字. <BR>因為在同一版中, 不允許有相同數值 font id存在. </B></FONT></BLINK>

[ 本帖最后由 月儿 于 2007-2-8 15:04 编辑 ]

happy-yan 发表于 2007-2-5 17:14:17


雨儿情丝 发表于 2007-2-5 18:45:26

<FONT id=font1 style="FONT-SIZE: 30pt" face=华文行楷 color=#ce2020>不用谢不用谢<?import namespace = t urn = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time" implementation = "#default#time2" declareNamespace /><t:animateColor id=color1 attributeName = "color" targetElement = "font1" to = "#1A1AE6" begin = "1" dur = "2" repeatCount = "111"><BR></FONT></t:animateColor>

[ 本帖最后由 雨儿情丝 于 2007-2-5 18:50 编辑 ]

雨儿情丝 发表于 2007-2-5 18:50:41

<IMG alt="" src="http://www.xyhc.com/images/smilies/mad.gif" border=0 smilieid="92">&nbsp;怎么偶没变啊

happy-yan 发表于 2007-2-6 08:34:20

<FONT id=font1 style="FONT-SIZE: 30pt" face=华文行楷 color=#CE2020>俺来试试,呵呵<?import namespace=t urn="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time" implementation="#default#time2" declareNamespace/><t:animateColor id="color1" targetElement="font1" attributeName="color" to="#1A1AE6" begin="1" dur="2" repeatCount="111"><br></FONT>

happy-yan 发表于 2007-2-6 08:36:45

<table><tbody><tr><td bgcolor=white>
<CENTER><FONT id=font1 style="FONT-SIZE: 30pt" face=华文行楷 color=#ce2020>谢谢各网友的支持<?import namespace = t urn = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time" implementation = "#default#time2" declareNamespace /><t:animateColor id=color1 attributeName = "color" targetElement = "font1" to = "#1A1AE6" begin = "1" dur = "2" repeatCount = "111"><BR></FONT></center>

[ 本帖最后由 happy-yan 于 2007-2-6 15:08 编辑 ]

月儿 发表于 2007-2-6 14:51:09

<FONT id=font1 style="FONT-SIZE: 30pt" face=华文行楷 color=#ce2020>1. 有点问题? <BR>俺试试...<?import namespace = t urn = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time" implementation = "#default#time2" declareNamespace /><t:animateColor id=color1 attributeName = "color" targetElement = "font1" to = "#1A1AE6" begin = "1" dur = "2" repeatCount = "111"><BR></FONT></t:animateColor><br><br><br>

<FONT id=font1 style="FONT-SIZE: 30pt" face=华文行楷 color=#ce2020>2. 俺试试...<?import namespace = t urn = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time" implementation = "#default#time2" declareNamespace /><t:animateColor id=color1 attributeName = "color" targetElement = "font1" to = "#1A1AE6" begin = "1" dur = "2" repeatCount = "111"><BR></FONT>

[ 本帖最后由 月儿 于 2007-2-6 14:54 编辑 ]

月儿 发表于 2007-2-6 15:00:24

319o 奇怪了.. 怎么我也不行的..
<br>但我已翻查了原代碼, 沒問題啊..
<br>唉~~ 想不通啊..:look

happy-yan 发表于 2007-2-6 15:00:50


happy-yan 发表于 2007-2-6 15:09:47

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查看完整版本: [02/01][教程] 簡單的文字變色特效