[08.04]Bryan Adams(布莱恩亚当斯)十首视频专辑
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<P align=center><IMG alt="" src="http://bbs.xoowo.com/attachments/month_0708/20070802_3df6669b83817f1addf4RUDRTkcihzYB.jpg"> </P>
<P align=center><FONT face=宋体 color=#90a4f7 size=5><b> Bryan Adams(布莱恩亚当斯)视频专辑</b></font>
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<embed src="http://youtube.com/v/b-0IeJMfFKg&autoplay=1" width="425" height="350" ></embed>
<P align=center><IMG alt="" src="http://bbs.xoowo.com/attachments/month_0706/20070602_8376683ee0a7c338f4c3tFx9wapZZimu.gif">
<P align=center><FONT face=宋体 color=#90a4f7 size=4><b><br>When You're Gone
<br>Ive been wandering around the house all night
<br>Wondering what the hell to do
<br>Im trying to concentrate but all I can think of is you
<br>Well the phone dont ring cuz my friends aint home
<br>Im tired of being all alone
<br>Got the tv on cuz the radios playing songs that remind me
<br>Of you
<br><br>Baby when youre gone - I realize Im in love
<br>The days go on and on - and the nights just seem so long
<br>Even food dont taste that good - drink aint doing what it
<br>Things just feel so wrong - baby when youre gone
<br><br>Ive been driving up and down these streets
<br>Trying to find somewhere to go
<br>Ya Im lookin for a familiar face but theres no one I know
<br><br>This is torture - this is pain - it feels like Im gonna go
<br>I hope youre coming back real soon -cuz I dont know what
<br>To do
<P align=center><IMG alt="" src="http://bbs.xoowo.com/attachments/month_0707/20070730_176aca81c7d38a00919dbp0NJnVjFP4N.gif"><IMG alt="" src="http://photo6.hexun.com/p/2007/0708/110697/b_CF5D415E897A238FBA5401E7A1005786.jpg"> </P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>
[ 本帖最后由 琉华璃音 于 2007-11-28 03:33 编辑 ] 一口氣聼完,確實很好聽