Beathless--shayne ward
<P align=center><FONT face=Impact size=3><IMG onmouseover="if(this.resized)'hand';" onclick="if(this.resized) {'');}" alt="User Posted Image" src="" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window';}" border=0><!--UserPostedImage--> <BR><BR><!-- Windows Media Audio --><OBJECT id=SoutingPlayer codeBase=,4,5,715 type=application/x-oleobject height=45 hspace=5 standby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components..." width=400 classid=clsid:6BF52A52-394A-11D3-B153-00C04F79FAA6><PARAM NAME="URL" VALUE=""><PARAM NAME="rate" VALUE="1"><PARAM NAME="balance" VALUE="0"><PARAM NAME="currentPosition" VALUE="20.8069025"><PARAM NAME="defaultFrame" VALUE=""><PARAM NAME="playCount" VALUE="100"><PARAM NAME="autoStart" VALUE="-1"><PARAM NAME="currentMarker" VALUE="0"><PARAM NAME="invokeURLs" VALUE="-1"><PARAM NAME="baseURL" VALUE=""><PARAM NAME="volume" VALUE="90"><PARAM NAME="mute" VALUE="0"><PARAM NAME="uiMode" VALUE="full"><PARAM NAME="stretchToFit" VALUE="0"><PARAM NAME="windowlessVideo" VALUE="0"><PARAM NAME="enabled" VALUE="-1"><PARAM NAME="enableContextMenu" VALUE="0"><PARAM NAME="fullScreen" VALUE="0"><PARAM NAME="SAMIStyle" VALUE=""><PARAM NAME="SAMILang" VALUE=""><PARAM NAME="SAMIFilename" VALUE=""><PARAM NAME="captioningID" VALUE=""><PARAM NAME="enableErrorDialogs" VALUE="0"><PARAM NAME="_cx" VALUE="10583"><PARAM NAME="_cy" VALUE="1191"></OBJECT><!-- Windows Media Audio End--><BR><BR></FONT><A href="" target=_blank><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Comic Sans MS"><FONT face=Impact color=#800080 size=3>Beathless-shayne ward</FONT></SPAN></A><BR><BR><FONT size=3><FONT face=Impact><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Comic Sans MS"><FONT color=sandybrown>Beathless-shayne ward<BR>if our love was a fairy tale <BR>i would charge in and rescue you <BR>on a yacht baby we would sail <BR></FONT><FONT color=orange>to an island where we'd say i do <BR>and if we had babies they would look like you <BR>it'd be so beautiful if that came true <BR>you don't even know how very special you are <BR>chorus <BR>you leave me breathless <BR>you're everything good in my life <BR>you leave me breathless <BR>i still can't believe that you're mine <BR>you just walked out of one of my dreams <BR>so beautiful you're leaving me <BR>breathless <BR>and if our love was a story book <BR>we would meet on the very first page <BR>the last chapter would be about <BR>how i'm thankful for the life we've made <BR>and if we had babies they would have your eyes <BR>i would fall deeper watching you give life <BR>you don't even know how very special you are <BR>you're everything good in my life <BR>you leave me breathless <BR>i still can't believe that you're mine <BR>you just walked out of one of my dreams <BR>so beautiful you're leaving me <BR>you must have been sent from heaven to earth to change me <BR>you're like an angel <BR>the thing that i feel is stronger than love believe me <BR>you're something special <BR>i only hope that i'll one day deserve what you've given me <BR>but all i can do is try <BR>every day of my life <BR>you leave me breathless <BR>you're everything good in my life <BR>you leave me breathless <BR>i still can't believe that you're mine <BR>you just walked out of one of my dreams <BR>so beautiful you're leaving me <BR>breathless <BR>you leave me breathless <BR>you're everything good in my life <BR>you leave me breathless <BR>i still can't believe that you're mine <BR>you just walked out of one of my dreams <BR>so beautiful you're leaving me <BR>breathless </FONT></SPAN><BR><BR> </FONT></FONT><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Comic Sans MS"><FONT face=Impact color=seagreen size=3>来自英国曼彻斯特的Shayne Ward迅速窜红,要归功于英国ITV电视台的一挡热播娱乐节目《THE X FACTOR》,这是一档歌唱比赛的真人秀,2004年第一届的冠军Steve Brookstein凭着万人迷的稳健风采正在走红英伦。2005年,21岁的Shayne Ward最终脱颖而出成为新一代的“英国超男”,还获得了一份100万英镑的唱片合约。ITV电视台趁热打铁,于2005年12月21日推出了他的首支单曲《That's my goal》,仅仅上架4天就登上了单曲冠军宝座,销量在短短几天内达到了74万多张。并且成为2005年圣诞节的冠军销量单曲。<BR><BR> Shayne Ward1984年10月15日 出生于曼切斯特城,未参加比赛前,他带领自己的乐队Destiny在各个俱乐部、酒吧和婚礼上演出。在另外一个捧红Girls Aloud的造星节目《Popstars:The Rivals》中,他也曾进入过前30名。</FONT></SPAN> <!--IBF.ATTACHMENT_565751--></P> 这个声音太柔了点,跟他的外形不搭配啊