My english is poorer than your. So i'm not enjoy the article.Maybe your translate is very nice. Thanks.
The translation is not done by me, I am afraid that my level cannot be compared with that
Anyway, the Chinese is also nice and worthy of being read. I hope that you would enjoy reading it. I will do 什么都不想说,直接收藏
回复 #13 lostloker 的帖子
喜欢就好... 有期待就会有希望~~ 嗯 怀有希望的等待便是期待。。 “好好活着”是生命的真谛!!!这让我又再次想起了汶川地震时那位母亲在生命最后一刻留给宝宝的话:“孩子,你要好好活着!”我们感谢生命,因为生命赋予了我们四季,让我们有了童年的纯稚天真之春,让我们有了青年的浪漫动感之夏,让我们有了中年的沧桑丰裕之秋,让我们有了老年的夕阳无限美的细细品味之冬。我们感谢生命,生命让我们知道了善恶美丑,品味了酸甜苦辣,一路走来也许是风风雨雨,也许是坎坎坷坷,但是风雨过后总会有阳光明媚的日子,坎坷过后总会有平坦的康庄之路,活着,就好好活着,来这个世界上走一回其实也不容易! 我在想是不是摘超点东西加两句自己的话就是原创? 叫分享是不是更确切些 原帖由 KK07 于 2008-11-9 15:56 发表 translation is not done by me, I am afraid that my level cannot be compared with that
Anyway, the Chinese is also nice and worthy of being read. I hope that you would enjoy reading it.
I can`t known anly,but I want to kown it while I hope to see them for next morning