Leslie Dowdall - That Place In Your Heart
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<P align=center><B>天使般温柔的声音《that place in your heart》</B></P></FONT></FONT></FONT></UL></DIV></DIV>
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<DIV align=center><IMG onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" onmouseover="if(this.resized) this.style.cursor='hand';" title=按此在新窗口打开图片 onclick=window.open(this.src); height=513 src="http://photo7.yupoo.com/20060705/202743_1874178852_RGNAf.jpg" width=350 onload=javascript:DrawImage(this); align=http://photo7.yupoo.com/20060705/202743_1874178852_RGNAf.jpg border=0 galleryimg="no"></DIV>
<DIV><BR> <FONT size=4>由Leslie Dowdall主唱的That Place In Your Heart。简洁的伴奏,更突出了Leslie Dowdall天使般美妙的声线,温柔的声音却是在向大家提出一个千百年来的问题"Why can’t we live </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=4>as one"?这是渴望和平的人们在如今战火纷飞的世道对大同世界的一种向往。为什么大家不能彼此和平相处而要互相伤害?<BR> Leslie Dowdall可以说是90年代著名的Celtic摇滚乐队Tua Nua解散之后依旧长盛不衰的歌手,她与Paul Brennan 以及Ronan Hardiman一起将Celtic音乐推向了世界.</FONT></DIV></DIV></DIV>
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<P>歌词: </P>
<P>walk with me</P>
<P>break some bread here with me </P>
<P>Enemy </P>
<P>Why can’t you live with me? </P>
<P>Who are you? </P>
<P>what did i do to you? </P>
<P>Wish i knew </P>
<P>Why can’t i live with you? </P>
<P>We are all born the same </P>
<P>Then we seperate </P>
<P>Then the world falls apart </P>
<P>and blame turns to hate </P>
<P>we must not contemplate </P>
<P>how far apart we are </P>
<P>there is always a way </P>
<P>to that place in your heart. </P>
<P>Hated one </P>
<P>Just put down your gun </P>
<P>done is done </P>
<P>why can’t we live as one? </P>
<P>feel no shame </P>
<P>the air we breath is the same </P>
<P>heal the pain </P>
<P>why do we live in vain? </P>
<P>We are all born the same </P>
<P>Then we seperate </P>
<P>Then the world falls apart </P>
<P>and blame turns to hate </P>
<P>we must not contemplate </P>
<P>how far apart we are </P>
<P>there is always a way </P>
<P>to that place in your heart </P>
<P>no war!</P>
<P> </P>
Leslie Dowdall - That Place In Your Heart<DIV id=toptitle>
[ 本帖最后由 yukikaze 于 2008-12-7 20:42 编辑 ] 56~~ 我不觉得这个声音有多温柔, 只是觉得很慵懒~