Zoe 发表于 2009-3-5 19:52:25

梦幻天籁,Daksha - Ascendent盛势(2006) 320k/mp3

本帖最后由 Zoe 于 2009-3-5 19:56 编辑

音乐风格:World Music / Ambient

DaKsha 的两位核心成员 Geo 和 Catalin,从1998年就开始有过合作,但那时并没有产生一起做 Project 的念头。直到两年后的2000年,DaKsha 的概念才出现。成立初始,Catalin 并不在这个项目的所在地 Bucharest 布加勒斯特(罗马尼亚城市)。直到该年晚些时候,Catalin 为参加另一个项目 Tango In Space 而前往布加勒斯特,才接触到了 DaKsha 这个项目,并参与进来。

作为一个电音团体,DaKsha 与众不同的地方在于其灵感来自罗马尼亚的传统歌谣,藉由这个并不为世人所熟悉的文化背景,将电音和他们的创造力相结合,从而迸发出迷人魅力。“也许小语种文化让世人了解确实有很大困难,但我们相信,通过音乐的表现和传递,能够消除语言的障碍,并让人乐于体会罗马尼亚文化的美丽。”Geo 和 Catalin 如是说道。

“Ascendent” is a lush journey with a myriad of geographical influences from the far reaches of the earth paired with ambient / electronic music that is both spellbinding and captivating. Electronic music allows DaKsha to develop their unique and innovative sound – creating mind altering soundscapes as each song globe-trots around various ethno-electronic lounge sounds. “The Jade Stem” is a deep, meditative song featuring weeping strings & synths over a diligent percussive beat. “Nuevo Tango” is a light-hearted jaunt featuring the Bandoneon (small accordion), while “Nights of Serampur” is a heady excursion down the great Hoogli River (India) where the music permeates a tribalistic and mysterious vibe accompanied by haunting vocals. Title track “Ascendent” breaks down from the synthetic, yet emmotive background music to raw, stripped down percussion and didgerdoo. “Angel Wings” draws the sonic journey to a close with a light, airy release that would leave any listener yearning for more.



01 Awakening
02 16 Steps To Infinity
03 The Jade Stem
04 Prelude
05 Nuevo Tango
06 Nights In Serampur
07 Drops Of Grace
08 Condensed Light
09 Ascendent
10 Angel Wings



逝去的时光 发表于 2009-3-5 21:34:23

下载听听看 PS:文件好大 好在160K/S 没让我等太久

我是扇扇2 发表于 2009-3-23 20:50:52


水月云天 发表于 2009-3-23 21:07:36

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