idc 发表于 2009-5-18 17:58:30

孩子 - ANAK

当你诞生到这个世界上When you were bron into this world

你的爸爸妈妈实现是梦想Your mom and dad saw are dream fulfilled

美梦成真 A dream come true

你是上天对他们所有祈祷的回报The answer to their prayers

对他们来说你是个特别的孩子You were to them a special child

你的每个微笑都带给他们快乐Gave/' em joy every time you smiled

而每当你哭泣Each time you cried

他们都会在你身边照顾你They\'re at your side to care

孩子,你知不知道Child,you don\'t know

你永远都不会知道他们会付出多少心血You\'ll never know how far they\'d go live

来给你所有他们能付出的爱To give you all their love can give

只为看到你平安 上帝,那是真的To see you through,and god it\'s true

如果非要不可他们愿为你去死而让你活着They\'d die for you ,if they must,to see you live

多少个季节来了又去How many seasons came and went

如今已过了这么多年So many years have now been spent

时光飞逝For time run fast

如今你已渐渐长大And now at last you\'re strong

你究竟在想什么Now what has gotten over you

你似乎厌恶起自己的父母You seem to hate your parents too

不肯说出心中的想法Do speak out your mind你为什么总找父母的不是Why do you find them wrong

孩子你知不知道Child you don\'t know

你永远不会知道他们会付出多少心血You\'ll never know how far they\'d go

来给你所有他们能够付出的爱To give you all their love can give

只为看到你平安 上帝,那是真的To see you through,and god it\'s true

如果非要不可他们愿为你去死而让你活着They\'d die for you ,if they must,to see you live

如今你已迷失方向And now your path has gone astury

孩子你该怎么办Child ,you ain\'t sure what to do OR say

你好孤单You\'re so alone

身边没有朋友No friends are on your side

孩子你的泪夺眶而下And child,you now braek down in tears

让爸爸妈妈为你赶走恐惧吧Let them drive away your fears

无论你去往何处Where must you go

亲人的臂膀一直为你敞开Their arms stay open wide

孩子你知不知道Child,you don\'t know

你永远不会知道他们会付出多少心血You\'ll never know how far they\'d go

来给你所有他们能付出的爱To give you all their love can give

只为看到你平安 上帝,那是真的To see you through,and god it\'s true

如果非要不可他们愿为你去死而让你活着They\'d die for you ,if they must,to see you live

孩子你知不知道Child,you don\'t know

你永远不会知道他们会付出多少心血You\'ll never know how far they\'d go

来给你所有他们能付出的爱To give you all their love can give

只为看到你平安 上帝,那是真的To see you through,and god it\'s true

如果非要不可他们愿为你去死而让你活着They\'d die for you ,if they must,to see you

孩子 - ANAK

KK07 发表于 2009-5-18 22:32:55

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