yjy4102 发表于 2009-5-18 20:43:34


你还记得在《变形金刚》的终版预告片开头,山姆和父亲去买车那段用的是林肯公园演唱的主题歌《What I've done》的前奏吗?这次《变形金刚2》的终版预告片其实也没例外!
林肯公园乐队为《变形金刚2》创作并献声的主题歌《新转机》(New Divide,官方说法是暗指威震天的复活),将在5月18日起在登陆全球各家电台。同日起,Apple iTunes也会开始提供付费下载;本曲还将是6月23日上市的《变形金刚2》电影原声大碟中的主打曲目。这首《新转机》的MV目前由林肯公园加紧赶制中。


《变形金刚2》的电影原声音轨仍然由为第一部创作曲目的Steve Jablonsky来完成,Hans Zimmer帮忙加快工作进度。迈克尔·贝希望能把林肯公园的这首主题曲的曲风元素融合到电影原声里,据悉,林肯公园已经与Steve Jablonsky见面,探讨如何把曲调加入到最终原声里。

wangyiguo 发表于 2009-5-19 09:50:51

不错 喜欢林肯公园所有的歌

yjy4102 发表于 2009-5-20 12:08:07


    I remembered black skies / the lightning all around me
  I remembered each flash / as time began to blur
  Like a startling sign / that fate had finally found me
  And your voice was all I heard
  That I get what I deserve
  So give me reason / to prove me wrong / to wash this memory clean
  Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes
  Give me reason / to fill this hole / connect the space between
  Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies
  Across this new divide
  There was nothing in sight / but memories left abandoned
  There was nowhere to hide / the ashes fell like snow
  And the ground caved in / between where we were standing
  And your voice was all I heard
  That I get what I deserve
  So give me reason / to prove me wrong / to wash this memory clean
  Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes
  Across this new divide
  In every loss / in every lie
  In every truth that you'd deny
  And each regret / and each goodbye
  was a mistake to great to hide
  And your voice was all I heard
  That I get what I deserve
  So give me reason / to prove me wrong / to wash this memory clean
  Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes
  Give me reason / to fill this hole / connect the space between
  Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies
  Across this new divide
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查看完整版本: 林肯公园《变形金刚2》主题曲5月18日上线(配乐版试听)