mp40mp5 发表于 2009-6-10 10:05:41

每天一歌 A Teenager Rushed To Be An Adult

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<P align=center><BR><FONT color=sienna>Sysmo是中国乐队<BR></P></FONT>
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<P align=center><BR><STRONG>This morning I got up after 8:00<BR>今天早上我在8点以后才起床,<BR>I dressed myself and washed my face<BR>我穿好衣服,洗好脸<BR>I didn’t have anything for breakfast<BR>我没有吃任何东西当早餐<BR>My papa mama urged me to shut the door<BR>我爸爸妈妈要求我走后关上门<BR>I saw a taxi running to me <BR>我看见一辆出租车开向我<BR>but I rushed to the bus stop<BR>但是我赶到公交车站<BR>the number’s wrong<BR>坐错了公交车<BR>That is all,my dear teacher<BR>这是所有的,我亲爱的老师 <BR>And I apologize again for being late<BR>我很抱歉再次迟到<BR>This morning I got up after 8:00<BR>今天早上我在8点以后才起床,<BR>I dressed myself and washed my face<BR>我穿好衣服,洗好脸<BR>I didn’t have my love soda cracker<BR>我并没有带我最爱的苏打饼干<BR>My book was left on my confused desk<BR>我的书混和在桌子上<BR>I saw some trees’ buding one night<BR>我看到一些树在一夜间长大??<BR>when sun’s rising from the east sky<BR>当太阳在东方升起<BR>Good day,my dear teacher<BR>美好的一天,我亲爱的老师<BR>And beg your mercy for a happy day<BR>求你怜悯一个快乐的日子<BR>This morning my alarm clock waked me up<BR>今天上午,我的闹钟叫醒我 <BR>I searched my kitchen for all the cups<BR>我搜索我的厨房里所有的杯子<BR>I was so busy that I didn’t realize<BR>我很忙,我没有意识到<BR>that sadness,happiness are everywhere<BR>悲伤,幸福无处不在<BR>I saw some trees’ buding one night<BR>我看到一些树木在一夜间长大???<BR>as the boy who’s day by day growing high<BR>男孩子一天又一天的长大<BR>That is me,a general boy<BR>这就是我,一个普通的男孩<BR>I’m gonna be a man just after tonight<BR>我今天晚上要尝试着去做一个男人<BR>Gonna be a man just after tonight<BR>我要成为一个男人,<BR>From today on I can’t deny the duty of mine<BR>从今天开始,我也不能否认的责任<BR>From today on I have to make my hairstyle shine<BR>从今天开始,我要让我的发型变的闪亮<BR>From today on I’ll try to get a lisence to drive<BR>从今天开始,我会尽力取得驾驶执照 <BR>for a teenager rushed to be an adult tonight <BR>一个少年今天晚上将成为男人 </STRONG></FONT><BR><FONT color=#a0522d></FONT><BR><BR>下载地址:</P>
<P align=center><A href=""></A><BR></P>
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lyxzhehe 发表于 2009-6-10 11:18:34

mp40mp5 发表于 2009-6-10 11:19:28


mp40mp5 发表于 2009-6-10 11:20:42


KK07 发表于 2009-6-10 13:18:40


kittenmimi 发表于 2009-6-10 14:45:29




lyxzhehe 发表于 2009-6-10 17:23:32

lyxzhehe 发表于 2009-6-10 17:26:28

qie124 发表于 2009-6-13 19:09:02


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