mp40mp5 发表于 2009-7-11 10:03:33

每天一歌 cry for you

本帖最后由 mp40mp5 于 2009-7-13 08:45 编辑

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bgcolor="#ffffff" width="500" height="300" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain"
/></OBJECT><BR><BR><BR><FONT size=6><FONT color=red>cry for you</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><BR><BR><FONT color=red>I never had to say goodbye <BR>You must have known I wouldn't stay <BR>While you were talking about our life <BR>You killed the beauty of today <BR>Forever and ever <BR>Life is now or never <BR>Forever never comes around <BR><BR>You never heard me break your heart <BR>You didn't wake up when we died <BR>Since I was lonely from the start <BR>I think the end is mine to write <BR>Forever and ever <BR>Life is now or never <BR>Forever never comes around <BR>People love and let go <BR>Forever and ever <BR>Life is now or never <BR>Forever's gonna slow you down <BR><BR>You'll never see me again <BR>So now who's gonna cry for you <BR>You'll never see me again <BR>No matter what you do <BR>You'll never see me again <BR>So now who's gonna cry for you <BR>You'll never see me again <BR>No matter what you do <BR><BR>I never had to say goodbye <BR>You must have known I wouldn't stay <BR>While you were talking about our life <BR>You killed the beauty of today <BR>Forever and ever <BR>Life is now or never <BR>Forever never comes around <BR>People love and let go <BR>Forever and ever <BR>Life is now or never <BR>Forever's gonna slow you down <BR><BR>You'll never see me again <BR>So now who's gonna cry for you <BR>You'll never see me again <BR>No matter what you do <BR>You'll never see me again <BR>So now who's gonna cry for you <BR>You'll never see me again <BR>No matter what you do <BR><BR>Forever and ever <BR>Life is now or never <BR>Forever never comes around <BR><BR>Forever and ever <BR>Life is now or never <BR>Forever's gonna slow you down <BR><BR>You'll never see me again <BR>So now who's gonna cry for you <BR>You'll never see me again <BR>No matter what you do <BR>You'll never see me again <BR>So now who's gonna cry for you <BR>You'll never see me again <BR>No matter what you do <BR><BR>Forever and ever <BR>Life is now or never <BR>Forever never comes around </FONT><BR><BR><BR><BR>
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<P align=center>**** Hidden Message *****<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

lyxzhehe 发表于 2009-7-13 09:52:47

KK07 发表于 2009-7-13 13:17:22

小路 来下歌 了~

用心做 发表于 2009-7-13 14:32:26

天下游侠 发表于 2009-7-13 20:08:36


kittenmimi 发表于 2009-7-13 20:56:23





mp40mp5 发表于 2009-7-14 09:23:13

24~~61~~64~~64~~67~~68~~70~~71~~10~~69~~52~~55~~56~~57~~58~~59~~06~~65~~45~~30~~35~~37~~01~~02~~03~~04~~05~~07~~08~~09~~13~~14~~15~~16 ...
天下游侠 发表于 2009-7-13 20:08

jack--2000 发表于 2009-7-14 12:08:26


anchorwen 发表于 2009-7-14 19:00:26


fanghanlei 发表于 2009-7-17 17:26:31

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