It's a cold November As the sea crashes in But I still do remember Though the memory grows dim To a magical summer With sweet Mary Mckear In the west,in Tir n'a Noir
Were you there as a dream Though it all seems so real With the laughter I hear and the touch I can feel? far beyond the horizon Where the fog disappears You were mine,dear Mary Mckear
Though my body's broken And my spirit is weak My soul is awoken As I hear someone speak Please come back my lover Now your future lies here Please come back to Tir n'a Noir
You were good,you were kind You'll have all that you earned For the secrets you kept And the lessons you learned So I'll take you with me As your pain desappears I'll be yours,your Mary Mckear
Tir n`a Noir是挪威语,他本来是一个叫Kolbein Falkeid的挪威诗人写的一首诗。诗是描写一个关于梦的故事,一个男人在梦里遇到一个女人,在一个叫Tir n`a Noir的地方,并爱上了她。那是一个如天堂般完美的地方。至于是不是真有这个地方就不得而知了。也有人说Tir n`a Noir是爱尔兰的一个古老的外号,意思是"The dark island"(黑色的岛屿?)。