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Adobe Flash Player播放器V23.0.185正式版

发表于 2016-10-12 17:08:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Adobe Flash Player播放器V23.0.185正式版
软件类别: 图像浏览
授权形式: 免费软件
软件大小: 5.86MB
软件语言: 简体中文
使用平台: NT/2000/XP/2003
Adobe Flash Player是一个跨平台、基于web浏览器的应用程序。当系统安装该浏览器播放器控件后,它可跨屏幕和web浏览器原汁原味地查看具有表现力的应用程序、内容和视频。Flash Player实现了移动屏幕上高性能的优化,设计为充分利用本机设备功能能力,从而实现更丰富、更引人入胜的用户使用体验。
Flash Player独立播放器版(Debug版),既可单独播放.SWF文件,也可以创建EXE文件。Debug版适用于开发人员。同时,它也是独立播放器,运行后,程序会自动关联SWF文件,做为默认的播放器。
Flash Player能够播放小又快速的多媒体动画,以及交互式的动画、飞行标志和用Macromedia Flash做出的图像。这个播放器非常小,只需花一点点时间下载,对于在体验网页上的多媒体效果是个很好的开始。
Flash也支持也支持高品质的MP3音频流、文字输入字段、交互式接口等等很多东西。这个最新版本可以观看所有的Flash格式。若你要观看网页上的多媒体内容,Flash Player几乎是网络上的标准。为此播放器所制作的动画或图像十分常见。

Flash Player更新详情

Welcome to the Flash Player and AIR 23 release notes!
September 13, 2016
In today's scheduled release, we've updated Flash Player and AIR with important bug fixes, security updates, and new features.
How to update Flash Player
Current Flash Player customers who have enrolled in the "Allow Adobe to install updates (recommended)" update mechanism will be automatically updated to the latest version of Flash Player within 24 hours after release.
Users who have selected "Notify me to install updates" will receive an update notification dialog within 7 days from release date. Please note that Windows users will need to restart their system or log out and in to activate the update notification dialog.
The latest version of Flash Player can always be downloaded and installed by simply visiting https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer
Customers using Google Chrome or Windows 8.x/10 Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge will receive updates through the Google and Microsoft update mechanisms.
How to contact us
We hope you enjoy this release. If you encounter any problems, please let us know by posting issues to our public bug database. For installation or usage help, please visit our community forums for assistance.

Adobe Flash Player 23主要新功能

— 对TextField补充列宽增强支持
— 支持调节全屏视频信息
— 全新Stage3D纹理环绕模式
— Stage3D渲染纹理抗锯齿功能


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