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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-23 01:47:07 | 显示全部楼层
韩 国












1、 Ajou University
2、 Andong National University
3、 Anyang University
4、 Asia United Theological University
5、 Busan National University of Education
6、 Busan Presbyterian Theological College & Seminary
7、 Calvin University
8、 Catholic University of Daegu
9、 Catholic University of Pusan
10、 Changwon Nationao University
11、 Cheju National University
12、 Cheju National University of Education
13、 Chinju National University of Education
14、 Chodang University
15、 Chonan University
16、 Chonbuk National University
17、 Chonbuk National University of Education
18、 Chongju University
19、 Chongshin University
20、 Chongnam National University
21、 Chosun University
22、 Chugye University for Arts
23、 Chunchen National University of Education
24、 Chung-Ang University
25、 Chungbuk National University
26、 Chungju National University
27、 Chungnam National University
28、 Chungwoon University
29、 College of Medicine,Pochon Cha University
30、 Daebul University
31、 Daegu National University of Education
32、 Daegu University
33、 Daejeon University
34、 Dae Jin University
35、 Dan Kook University
36、 Dong-A University
37、 Dongduk Women’s University
38、 Dong-eui University
39、 Dongguk University
40、 Donghae University
41、 Dongseo University
42、 Dongshin University
43、 Dongyang University
44、 Duksung Women’s University
45、 Eulji University Scool of Medicine
46、 Ewha Womans University
47、 Far East University
48、 Gachon Medical Shool
49、 Gongju National University of Education
50、 Gyeongsang National University
51、 Halla University
52、 Hallym University
53、 Hanbat National University
54、 Handong University
55、 Hanil University & Presbyterian Theological Seminary
56、 Hankuk Aviation University
57、 Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
58、 Hankyong National University
59、 Hanl Yo University
60、 Han Nam University
61、 Hansei University
62、 Hanseo University
63、 Hansung University
64、 Hanyang University
65、 Hanyoung Theological University
66、 Honam Theological University & Seminary
67、 Honam University
68、 Hongik University
69、 Hoseo University
70、 Howon University
71、 Hyupsung University
72、 Inchon Catholic University
73、 Inchon National University of Education
74、 Information and Communication University
75、 Inha University
76、 Inje University
77、 Jeonju National University of Education
78、 Jeonju University
79、 Jinju National University of Industry
80、 Joongbu University
81、 Jungang Seunggha University
82、 KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
83、 Kangnam University
84、 Kangnung National University
85、 Kangwon National University
86、 Kaya University
87、 Keimyung University
88、 Kkottongnae Hyundo University of Social-welfare
89、 Kongju National University
90、 Konkuk University
91、 Konyang University
92、 Kookmin University
93、 Korea Baptist Theological College & Seminary
94、 Korea Maritime University
95、 .Korea National Open University
96、 Korea National University of Education
97、 Korea Nazarine University
98、 Korea Polytechnic University
99、 Korea University
100、 Korea University of Technology and Education
101、 Korea Bible University
102、 Korea National University of Physical Education
103、 Kosin University
104、 Kumoh National University of Technology
105、 Kunsan National University
106、 Kwandong University
107、 Kwangju Catholic University
108、 Kwangju National University of Education
109、 Kwangju University
110、 Kwangju Women’s University
111、 Kwangshin University
112、 Kwangwoon University
113、 Kyonggi University
114、 Kyongju University
115、 Kyungdong University
116、 Kyung Hee University
117、 Kyungil University
118、 Kyungnam University
119、 Kyungpook National University
120、 Kyungsan University
121、 Kyungsung University
122、 Kyungwon University
123、 Kyungwoon University
124、 Luther Theological University
125、 Methodist Theological Seminary
126、 Miryng National University
127、 Mokpo Catholic University
128、 Mokpo National Maritime University
129、 Mokpo National University
130、 Mokwon University
131、 Myong Ji University
132、 Myungsin University
133、 Nambu University
134、 Namseoul University
135、 Pai Chai University
136、 Pohang University of Science and Technology
137、 Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary
138、 Pukyong National University
139、 Pusan National University
140、 Pusan University of Foreign Studies
141、 Pyongtaek University
142、 Sahmyook University
143、 Samchok National University
144、 Sangji University
145、 Sangju National University
146、 Sangmyung University
147、 Sejong University
148、 Semyung University
149、 Seokyeong University
150、 Seonam University
151、 Seoul Christian University
152、 Seoul Jangsin University and Theological Seminary
153、 Seoul National University
154、 Seoul National University of Education
155、 Seoul National University of Technology
156、 Seoul Theological University
157、 Seoul Woman’s University
158、 Seowon University
159、 Silla University
160、 Sogang University
161、 Sookmyung Women’s University
162、 Soonchunhyang University
163、 Soong Sil University
164、 Sunchon National University
165、 Sungkonghoe University
166、 Sung Kyul University
167、 Sung Kyun Kwan University
168、 Sungshin Women’s University
169、 Sunmoon University
170、 Sunwon Catholic University
171、 Taegu Arts University
172、 Taejon Catholic University
173、 Taeshin Christian University
174、 Tamna University
175、 The Catholic University of Korea
176、 The University of Seoul
177、 The University of Suwon
178、 Tongmyong University of Information Technology
179、 Uiduk University
180、 University of Inchon
181、 University of Ulsan
182、 Wonkwang University
183、 Woosong University
184、 Woosuk University
185、 Yeungnam University
186、 Yewon University
187、 Yongin University
188、 Yonsei University
189、 Yosu National University
190、 Youngdong University
191、 Youngnam Theological College & Seminary
192、 Youngsan University
193、 Youngsan Won-Buddhist University

1、 Berea University of Graduate Studies
2、 Daehan Theological Seminary
3、 Gospel Theological Seminary
4、 Hapdong Theological Seminary
5、 Information and Communication University
6、 International Design School For Advanced Studies
7、 Jungang Graduate School of Theology
8、 KDI School of International Policy and Management
9、 Kukje Theological University and Seminary
10、 Kyeyak Graduate School of Theology
11、 Seoul Bible Graduate School of Theology
12、 Sungsan Hyodo University of Graduate Studies
13、 Seoul Sports Graduate School
14、 Transnational Law & Business University
15、 Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology
16、 Westminster Graduate School of Theology
17、 Won Buddhism Graduate School
18、 Yeail Thological Seminary


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-23 01:48:10 | 显示全部楼层









1. University of Adelaide
2. Australian Catholic University
3. Australian National University
4. University of Ballarat
5. Bond University
6. University of Canberra
7. Central Queensland University
8. Charles Sturt University
9 . Curtin University of Technology
10. Deakin University
11. Edith Cowan University
12. Flinders University of South Australia
13. Griffith University
14. James Cook University
15. La Trobe University
16. Macquarie University
17. University of Melbourne
18. Monash University
19. Murdoch University
20. University of New England
21. University of New South Wales
22. University of Newcastle
23. Northern Territory University
24. University of Notre Dame Australia
25. University of Queensland
26. Queensland University of Technology
27. Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
28. Southern Cross University
29. University of South Australia
30. University of Southern Queensland
31. Swinburne University of Technology
32. University of Sydney
33. University of Tasmania
34. University of Technology , Sydney
35. University of the Sunshine Coast
36. Victoria University of Technology
37. University of Western Australia
38. University of Western Sydney
39. University of Wollongong



Canberra Institute of Technology

•New South Wales

Hunter Institute of Technology
Illawarra Institute of Technology
New England Institute of TAFE
Noth Coast Institute of TAFE
Northern Sydney Institute of TAFE
Riverina Institute of TAFE
South Western Sydney Institute of TAFE
Southern Sydney Institute of TAFE
Sydney Institute of Technology
Western Institute of TAFE
Western Sydney Institute of TAFE

•Northern Territory

Centralian College
Institute of TAFE (University of Northern Territory)


Cairns College of TAFE
Centre for Language Education (ELICOS Centre)
College of Tourism and Hospitality
Gold Coast Institute of TAFE
Ithaca College of TAFE
Kangaroo Point College of TAFE
Mount Gravatt College of TAFE
South Brisbane College of TAFE
Toowoomba College of TAFE
Townsville College of TAFE
Yeronga College of TAFE

•South Australia

Adelaide Institute of Vocational Education
Marleston-Panorama Institute of Vocational Education
Para Institute of Vocational Education
Regency Institute of Vocational Education
Torrens Valley Institute of Vocational Education


Drysdale Institute of TAFE
Hobart Institute of TAFE
Launceston Institute of TAFE
North West Institute of TAFE


Ballarat College of TAFE
Batman College of TAFE
Box Hill College of TAFE
Dandenong College of TAFE
Gordon Technical College
Holmesglen College of TAFE
Loddon Campaspe College of TAFE
Moorabbin College of TAFE
Northern Metropolitan College of TAFE
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (TAFE)
Swinburne University (TAFE)
Western Metropolitan College of TAFE

•Western Australia

Midland College of TAFE
South East Metropolitan College of TAFE
Challenger TAFE
Central TAFE
West Coast College

Central West College of TAFE
CY O’Connor College of TAFE
Eastern Pilbara College of TAFE
Great Southern TAFE
West Pilbara College of TAFE
Kimberley College of TAFE
South West Regional College of TAFE


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-23 01:49:05 | 显示全部楼层
新 西 兰

一、 基本情况



  新西兰的技术学院 (综合技术学院)目前共有20所,提供各种职业及技术训练,包括短期课程和三年制、四年制的专业学位、文凭、证书课程。部分技术学院和大学可以互相转换学分(例如商科),学生在技术学院所修某些课程学分为大学所承认,其毕业后入读大学可以免修有关课程。





奥克兰技术大学Auckland University of Technology
奥克兰大学The University of Auckland
坎特伯雷大学The University of Canterbury
梅西大学Massey University
怀卡托大学The University of Waikato
奥塔戈大学University of Otago
惠灵顿维多利亚大学Victoria University of Welington
林肯大学Lincon University

Bay of Plenty Polytechnic(Tauranga)
Christchurch Polytechnic
Eastern Institute of Technology-Hawke's Bay
Manawatu Polytechnic
Manukau Institute of Technology
Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology-Nelson Polytechnic
Northland Polytechnic
Otago Polytechinic
Southern Institute of Technology
Tai Poutini Polytechnic
Tairawhiti Polytechinc(Gisborne)
Telford Rural Polytechnic
UNITEC Institute of Technology
Waiariki Institute of Technology
Waikato Institute of Technology
Wanganui Polytechnic
Wellington Institute of Technology
Western Institute of Technology(New Plymouth)
Whitireia Polytechnic

Auckland College of Education
Wellington College of Education
Christchurch College of Education
Dunedin College of Education


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-23 01:50:32 | 显示全部楼层


  南非质量认证机构(The South African Qualification Authority, SAQA)负责用南非的国家标准对来自海外的教育文凭和教育资格进行认证。外国学生的国内文凭和学分必须经SAQA的认证和评估,大学以SAQA的认证和评估结果作为录取依据。





  1. University of Natal
  2. University of Stellenbosch
  3. University of Cape Town
  4. Rand Afrikaans University
  5. University of Durban-Westville
  6. University of Potchefstroom
  7. University of the Witwatersrand
  8. University of the Free State
  9. Medical University of South Africa
  10. University of Port Elizabeth
  11. University of Pretoria
  12. Rhodes University
  13. University of South Africa
  14. University of Venda
  15. University of Zululand
  16. University of Fort Hare
  17. University of the North
  18. University of the North West
  19. University of Transkei
  20. University of Western Cape
  21. Vista University

  1. Durban Institute of Technology
  2. Peninsula Technikon
  3. Pretoria Technikon
  4. Border Technikon
  5. Cape Technikon
  6. Eastern Cape Technikon
  7. Free State Technikon
  8. Technikon Northern Gauteng
  9. PE Technikon
  10. Technikon SA
  11. Technikon Witwatersrand
  12. Mangosuthu Technikon
  13. North West Technikon
  14. Vaal Triangle Technikon


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-23 01:51:28 | 显示全部楼层




  塞浦路斯大学(University of Cyprus)是全国唯一的一所公立大学,主要以希腊语授课,以招收本国学生为主,只招收少量外国学生。外国学生入学需通过严格考试。




  University of Cyprus


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-23 01:56:32 | 显示全部楼层




University of Aberdeen
University of Abertay Dundee
Anglia Polytechnic University
The Archbishop of Canterbury
Aston University

University of Bath
Bath Spa University College
University of Birmingham
Bolton Institute of Higher Education
Bournemouth University
University of Bradford
University of Brighton
University of Bristol
Brunel University
University of Buckingham
Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College

University of Cambridge(包括此大学中的下列院校):
** Christ’s College
** Churchill College
** Clare College
** Clare Hall
** Corpus Christi College
** Darwin College
** Downing College
** Emmanuel College
** Fitzwilliam College
** Girton College
** Gonville and Caius College
** Homerton College
** Hughes Hall
** Jesus College
** King’s College
** Lucy Cavendish College
** Magdalene College
** New Hall
** Newnham College
** Pembroke College
** Peterhouse
** Queen’s College
** Robinson College
** Selwyn College
** Sidney Sussex College
** St Catherine’s College
** St Edmund’s College
** St John’s College
** Trinity College
** Trinity Hall
** Wolfson College
Canterbury Christ Church University College
University of Central England in Birmingham
University of Central Lancashire
Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education
University College, Chichester
City University
Coventry University
Cranfield University

De Montfort University
University of Derby
University of Dundee
University of Durham (包括此大学中的下列院校):
** College of St Hild and St Bede
** Collingwood College
** George Stephenson College, Stockton Campus
** The Graduate Society
** Grey College
** Hatfield College
** John Snow College, Stockton Campus
** St Aidan’s College
** St Chad’s College
** St Cuthbert’s Society
** Sy John’s College
** St Mary’s College
** Trevelyan College
** University College
** Ushaw College
** Van Mildert College

University of East Anglia
University of East London
University of Edinburgh
University of Essex
University of Exeter

University of Glamorgan (Prifysgol Morgannwg)
University of Glasgow
Glasgow Caledonian University
University of Greenwich

Harper Adams University College
Henley Management College
Herriot-Watt University
University of Hertfordshire
University of Huddersfield
University of Hull

University of Keele
University of Kent at Canterbury
Kingston University

University of Lancaster
University of Leeds
Leeds Metropolitan University
University of Leicester
University of Lincolnshire and Humberside
University of Liverpool
Liverpool John Moores University
University of London (包括此大学中的下列院校):
** Institutes of the University
** British Institute in Paris
** Courtauld Institute of Art
** School of Advanced Study
** Institutes constituting the School of Advanced Study of the University
** Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
** Institute of Classical Studies
** Institute of Commonwealth Studies
** Institute of English Studies
** Institute of Germanic Studies
** Institute of Historical Research
** Institute of Latin American Studies
** Institute of Romance Studies
** Institute of United States Studies
** Warburg Institute
** University Marine Biological Station, Millport
London Guildhall University
The London Institute
Loughborough University
University of Luton

University of Manchester
University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology
The Manchester Metropolitan University
Middlesex University

Napier University, Edinburgh
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
University of North London
University College Northampton
University of Northumbria at Newcastle
University of Nottingham
The Nottingham Trent University

Open University
University of Oxford (包括此大学中的下列院校):
** All Souls College
** Balliol College
** Brasenose College
** Christ Church
** Corpus Christi College
** Exeter College
** Green College
** Harris Manchester College
** Hertford College
** Jesus College
** Keble College
** Kellogg College
** Lady Margaret Hall
** Linacre College
** Lincoln College
** Magdalen College
** Mansfield College
** Merton College
** New College
** Nuffield College
** Oriel College
** Pembroke College
** The Queen’s College
** Somerville College
** St Anne’s College
** St Antony’s College
** St Catherine’s College
** St Cross College
** St Edmund Hall
** St Hilda’s College
** St Hugh’s College
** St John’s College
** St Peter’s College
** Templeton College
** Trinity College
** University College
** Wadham College
** Wolfson College
** Worcester College
** Permanent Private Halls
** Blackfriars
** Campion Hall
** Greyfriars
** Regent’s Park College
** St Benet’s Hall
** Wycliffe Hall
Oxford Brookes University

University of Paisley
University of Plymouth
University of Portsmouth
Presbyterian Theological Faculty, Ireland

Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh
The Queen's University of Belfast

University of Reading
The Robert Gordon University
Royal Agricultural College
Royal College of Art
Royal College of Music
The Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, Glasgow

University of Salford
University of Sheffield
Sheffield Hallam University
South Bank University
University of Southampton
University of St Andrews
Staffordshire University
University of Stirling
University of Strathclyde
University of Sunderland
University of Surrey
University of Surrey, Roehampton
The Surrey Institute of Art & Design, University College
University of Sussex

University of Teesside
Thames Valley University

University of Ulster

University of Wales (包括此大学中的下列院校):
** University of Wales, Aberystwyth
** University of Wales, Bangor
** University of Wales, Cardiff
** University of Wales, Lampeter
** University of Wales, Swansea
** University of Wales College of Medicine
** University of Wales Institute, Cardiff
** University of Wales College, Newport
University of Warwick
University of the West of England
University of Westminster
University of Wolverhampton
University College Worcester

University of York


Birkbeck College

Goldsmiths College

Heythrop College

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
Institute of Education

Kings College London

London Business School
London School of Economics and Political Science
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Queen Mary and Westfield College

Royal Academy of Music
Royal Holloway and Bedford New College
The Royal Veterinary College

School of Oriental and African Studies
The School of Pharmacy
St George's Hospital Medical School

University College London
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-23 01:58:16 | 显示全部楼层


The Abbey College
Aberdeen College
Accent Courses Ltd
Accent International Language Consultancy
Active Learning School of English
Alexanders International School
Anglia Polytechnic University
Anglian School of English
Anglo European School of English
Anglo European Study Tours Ltd (AEST)
Anglo-Continental School for Juniors
Anglo-Continental School of English
Anglolang Academy of English
Anniesland College
Aspect ILA Austen House
Aspect ILA Cambridge
Aspect ILA Edinburgh
Aspect ILA London
Aspect ILA Westbourne College

British Association of Boarding School Summer Courses (BABSSCO)
Barnet College
Basil Paterson Edinburgh
Bedford College
BEET Language Centre
Bell Cambridge
Bell London
Bell Norwich
Bell Saffron Walden
Bell Young Learners
Bidbury Greywalls
Bournemouth and Poole College
Bournemouth Business School International
Bournemouth International School
Bracknell and Wokingham College
Bradford College
Brasshouse Language Centre
British Study Centres Oxford
Broxtowe College
Buckswood School
The Burlington School of English

Cambridge Academy of English
Cambridge Centre for English Studies
Cambridge Centre for Languages, Young Learners
Cambridge Language and Activity Courses
The Cambridge School of English
Cambridge School of Languages
Camden College of English
Canterbury Christ Church University College
Canterbury Language Training
Carl Duisberg Language Centre
Central School of English
Centre for English Language Teaching (CELT)
Channel School of English
Cheltenham School of English
Chichester College of Arts, Science and Technology
Christian English Language Centre
Churchill House English Home Tuition Courses
Churchill House School of English Language
Cicero Languages International
City College Brighton & Hove
City College Coventry
City College Manchester
City of Bath College
City of Bristol College
The Clock Tower English Language Centre
Colchester English Study Centre
Colchester Institute
Coleg Glan Hafren
College of North West London
College of St.Mark and St.John
Concord College
Concorde International
Concorde International Summer Schools
Crawley College
Crest Schools of English

The Devon School of English
Dudley College
Dundee International College

Eagle International School
East Sussex School of English
Eastbourne School of English
Eaton Language Centre
The Eckersley School of English
ECS Scotland
Edinburgh School of English
Edwards Language School
EF Corporate Language Training
EF International School of English, Bournemouth
EF International School of English, Brighton
EF International School of English, Cambridge
EF International School of English, London
The Elizabeth Johnson Organisation (EJO)
ELT Banbury
Embassy CES Language and Training Centre, Cambridge
Embassy CES Language and Training Centre, Hastings
Embassy CES Language and Training Centre, Hove
Embassy CES Language and Training Centre, London
Embassy CES Language and Training Centre, Oxford
Embassy CES Vacation Course Centres
English 2000 School of English
English and Cultural Studies Centres (ECSC)
English Country School
English for You
English in Chester
English in Exeter
English in London (SKOLA)
English in York
English Language Centre, Brighton
English Language Centre, Bristol
English Language Centre, York
English Language in the Lakes, NAB Cottage
English Language Institute
English Language Training
English Study Tours (SKOLA)
Eurocentres, Bournemouth
Eurocentres, Brighton
Eurocentres, Cambridge
Eurocentres, Lee Green
Eurocentres, London Victoria
Eurocentres, Summer Centres
European Languages Centre Ltd.
Excel Communications Ltd
Excel English
Exeter Academy

Filton College Bristol
Frances King School of English
Frances King Summer Centres
Functional English

GEOS English Academy
GEOS English Academy London
Globe English Centre
Gloucestershire College of Arts and Technology (Gloscat)
Greylands School of English Ltd

Hamilton School of English
Hammersmith and West London College
Hampstead Garden Suburb Institute
The Hampstead School of English
Harrogate Language Academy
Harrogate Tutorial College
Harrow College
Harrow House International College, Swanage
Harrow House International College, London
Harven School of English
Hastings College of Arts and Technology
Hastings English Language Centre (HELC)
Heathfield Summer School
Henley College Coventry
Hilderstone College
House of English
Huddersfield Technical College
Hull College
Hurtwood House

Inlingua Cheltenham
Institute of International Education
Intensive School of English & Business Communication
Interlink School of English
International Community School (SKOLA)
International House Bath
International House ELCO
International House London
International House Newcastle-upon-Tyne
International House Torquay
International Language Holidays
The International School of English
InterNexus Centre for Language Studies
InTuition Languages
Isca School of English
ISIS Brighton
ISIS Education and Travel
ISIS Greenwich School/Greenwich School of English
ISIS Oxford School of English

Keele University
Kensington and Chelsea College
Kent School of English
King's School of English, Bournemouth (incorporating King's Junior School)
King's School of English, London
King's School Oxford
Kingston College
Kingsway English Centre for Professionals

Lake School of English Oxford
Language Link
The Language Project
Language Specialists International
Language Studies International, Brighton
Language Studies International, Cambridge
Language Studies International, Hampstead
Language Studies International, London Central
Languages Plus/Sprachcaffe
Leeds Metropolitan University
Leicester Square School of English
Lewis School of English
Lewisham College
Lines Languages Ltd
Linguarama, Bath
Linguarama, London
Linguarama, Stratford-upon-Avon
Liverpool Community College
Liverpool Hope University
London Guildhall University
London House School of English
The London Institute
London Meridian College
The London School of English
London Study Centre
LTC International College
Lydbury English Centre

Manchester Academy of English
Manchester College of Arts & Technology (MANCAT)
Margate Language Centre
Mayfair School of English
Mayfield Academy of English
Mayflower College of English
Meads School of English
Melton College
Mercator School Ltd
Meridian School of English
Middlesbrough College
Millfield English Language School
Milner School of English, Wimbledon
M.L.S. International College
MM Oxford Study Service
Multi Lingua

New College Nottingham
The New School of English
Newbold College
Newcastle College
North East Surrey College of Technology (NESCOT)
Norwich Institute for Languages Education (NILE)
Nottingham Trent University

Oaklands College
OISE Intensive Language Schools, Cambridge
OISE Intensive Language Schools, Oxford
OISE Intensive Language Schools, Young Learners
Olivet English Language School
Our World English Schools
Oxford Brookes University, ICELS
Oxford College of Further Education
The Oxford English Centre
Oxford House College
Oxford House School of English

Padworth College
Park House Training
Park Lane College
Parkland International Language School
Passport Language Schools
Perth College
Peterborough Regional College
Pilgrims (year round)
Pilgrims (summer multicentres)
Polyglot Language Centre

Queen Mary, University of London
Queen's University, Belfast

Reading College and School of Arts & Design
Regency School of English
Regent Brighton
Regent Edinburgh
Regent Fitzroy
Regent Language Holidays
Regent Language Homestay
Regent London
Regent Oxford
Regent Trebinshun
Richard Language College
Richmond Adult Community College
Richmond The American International University in London
Richmond Upon Thames College

Salisbury College
The Salisbury School of English
Scanbrit School of English
Scarborough International School
School of English Studies Folkstone
Select English Cambridge
Sels College
Severnvale Academy
Shakespeare School of English at Warwickshire College
Shane Global Village, London
Shane Global Village, Vacation courses
Shane Global Village, Bromley
British Study Centres Oxford
The Sheffield College
Sheffield Hallam University TESOL Centre
Sidmouth International School
South Devon College
South Thames College, London
Southbourne School of English
The Southern English Academy
Southgate College
St Bede's International Summer School
St Brelade's College
St Clare's, Oxford
St Edmund's College
St George international
St Giles College, Brighton
St Giles College, Eastbourne
St Giles College, London Central
St Giles College, London Highgate
St John's Wood School of English
St Michael's College
St Patrick's International College
St Peter's School of English
Stafford House School of English
Stafford House Study Holidays
Stanton School of English
Stevenson College
The Stratford-upon-Avon School of English Studies
Students International
Studio Cambridge(Year Round Centre)
Studio Cambridge(Vacation Courses)
SuperStudy UK
Sussex Downs College
Sussex English Language School
Suzanne Sparrow Plymouth Language School
The Swan School of English, Oxford
Swandean School of English, Wimbledon
Swandean School of English, Worthing

Taunton International Study Centre
Thames Valley Cultural Centres
Thanet College
Thurrock & Basildon College
Torbay Language Centre
Torquay International School
Totnes School of English
Tresham Institute
Twin English Centre Eastbourne
Twin English Centre Salisbury

UCL Language Centre
United International College
Universal Language Services (ITS School)
Universal Language Services
University College Chichester
University of Birmingham
University of Brighton
University of Dundee, Centre for Applied Language Studies
University of East Anglia
University of Edinburgh
University of Gloucestshire
University of Leeds Language Centre
University of Luton
University of Manchester
University of Portsmouth Language Centre
University of Salford
University of Ulster, CELT (Centre for English Language Teaching)
University of Wales, Aberystwyth Language and Learning Centre
University of Wales, Swansea, CALS (Centre for Applied Language Studies)
University of Westminster
University of Wolverhampton
Uxbridge College

Vacational Studies
Victoria School of English

Waltham Forest College
Wessex Academy School of English
West Cheshire College
West Sussex School of English
Westbourne Academy
Westminster Kingsway College
Wigan and Leigh College
Wigston College of Further Education
Wimbledon School of English
Winchester School of English
Wirral Metropolitan College
Witan Hall International College

YES Education Centre
York St. John College
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-23 01:59:50 | 显示全部楼层





  The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  National Technical University of Athens (Atehens Polytechnic School)
  Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  Athens University of Economics and Business
  Agr]icultural University of Athens
  Athens School of Fine Arts
  Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences
  University of Piraeus
  University of Macedonia
  University of Patras
  University of Ioannina
  Democritus University of Thrace
  University of Crete
  Technical University of Crete
  University of Thessaly
  University of The Aegean
  Ionian University
  Harokopeio University
  University of Peloponnese

  Technological Educational Institution of Athens
  Technological Educational Institution of West Macedonia
  Technological Educational Institution of Epirus
  Technological Educational Institution of Thessaloniki
  Technological Educational Institution of Kavala
  Technological Educational Institution of Klamata
  Technological Educational Institution of Crtete
  Technological Educational Institution of Lamia
  Technological Educational Institution of Larissa
  Technological Educational Institution of Messolonghi
  Technological Educational Institution of Patras
  Technological Educational Institution of Piraeus
  Technological Educational Institution of Serres
  Technological Educational Institution of Chalkida

  Hellenic Open University
  School of Pedagogical and Technological Education



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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-23 02:00:55 | 显示全部楼层



  研究型大学, 通常称为University, 共13所,以教学和科研为主。

  高等专业教育学院, 通常称为Hogeschool或University of Professional education, 以培养应用型人才为主,学生经四年的专业学习,可取得学士学位。一些高等专业教育学院还设置硕士学位课程,一般使用英语授课,学制一年左右,国外申请者一般要求具有学士学位或相当水平的学位。

  国际教育研究机构,通常称为 International Education Institute,招生对象主要为外国学生,一般用英语授课,主要开设硕士研究生课程,学习期限为一至两年。要求申请者具有学士学位或同等学历。有些国际教育机构与荷兰的大学合作,为获得硕士学位后的学生提供继续攻读博士学位的机会。





  Erasmus University Rotterdam
  Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen
  Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
  Technische Universiteit Delft
  Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
  Universiteit Leiden
  Universiteit Maastricht
  Universiteit Twente
  Universiteit Utrecht
  Universiteit van Amsterdam
  Universiteit van Tilburg
  Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  Wageningen Universiteit

  AKI, Akademie voor Beeldende Kunst(Academy of Fine Arts&Design Enschede)
  Amsterdamse hogeschool voor de kunsten
  Azusa Theologische Hogeschool
  Christelijke Agrarische Hogeschool
  Christelijke Hogeschool de Driestar
  Christelijke Hogeschool Ede
  Christelijke Hogeschool Noord-Nederland
  Christelijke Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Constantijn Huygens
  Christelijke Hogeschool Windesheim
  Design Academy Eindhoven
  Fontys Hogescholen
  Gerrit Rietveld Academie
  Haagse Hogeschool
  Hanzehogschool,Hogeschool van Groningen
  HAS den Bosch
  Hogeschool Alkmaar
  Hogeschool Brabant
  Hogeschool De Horst
  Hogeschool de Kempel
  Hogeschool Delft
  Hogeschool Diedenoort
  Hogeschool Domstad
  Hogeschool Drenthe
  Hogeschool Edith Stein/Onderwijscentrum Twente
  Hogeschool Enschede
  Hogeschool Haarlem
  Hogeschool Holland
  Hogeschool Ijselland
  Hogeschool Ipabo Amsterdam/Alkmaar
  Hogeschool Leiden
  Hogeschool Limburg
  Hogeschool Maastricht
  Hogeschool Rotterdam
  Hogeschool van Amsterdam
  Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen
  Hogeschool van Beeldende Kunsten, Muziek en Dans
  Hogeschool van Utrecht
  Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht
  Hogeschool voor Economische Studies Amsterdam
  Hogeschool voor Economische Studies Rotterdam
  Hogeschool voor Muziek en Theater Rotterdam
  Hogeschool Zeeland
  Hogeschool Den Haag
  Ichthus Hogeschool
  Internationale Academie Fysiotherapie ‘Thim van der Laan’
  Internationale Agrarische Hogeschool Larenstein
  Iselinge,Educatieve Faculteit
  Katholieke PABO Zwolle
  NHTV Internationale Hogeschool Breda
  Noordelijke Hogeschool Leeuwarden
  PC Hogeschool Marnix Academie
  RK Technische Hogeschool Rijswijk
  Rotterdamse Mode Academie
  Van Hall Instituut

  IHE (International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering)
  HIS (Institute for housing Urban development Studies)
  ILRI (International Institute for land Reclamation and Improvement)
  Institute for Medical Technology Assessment
  IPC Agro (Agricultural Innovation and Training Centre)
  ISS (Institute of Social Studies)
  ITC (International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Science)
  KIT (Royal Tropical Institute)
  LIAC (Larenstein International Agricultural College)
  MEDIA-GN (Centre For Emergent Media)
  MSM (Maastricht School of Management)
  RNTC (Radio Netherlands Training Centre)
  Van Hall Institute Hogeschool voor Voeding,Milieu en Landbouw


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-23 02:01:45 | 显示全部楼层


  爱尔兰国家教育主管部门为爱尔兰教育科学部。大学(University)享有高度自治,其它高等教育机构则由爱尔兰教育科学部所属高等教育及培训授予委员会(The Higher Education and Training Awards Council,简称HETAC)负责监督,所颁发的文凭亦须经该机构认可。



  1.The University of Dublin, Trinity College (TCD)
  2.University College of Cork (UCC)
  3.University College of Dublin (UCD)
  4.National University of Ireland Galway (NUI GAL)
  5.National University of Ireland Maynooth (NUI MAY)
  6.The University of Limerick (UL)
  7.Dublin City University (DCU)

  1.Royal College of Surgeons
  2.National College of Art and Design
  3.St.Angela’s College of Education
  4.Shannon College of Hotel Management
  5.The Institute of Public Administration

  University College of Cork (UCC)
  University College of Dublin (UCD)
  National University of Ireland Galway (NUI GAL)
  National University of Ireland Maynooth (NUI MAY)联盟,以爱尔兰国立大学(NUI)的名义颁发学历学位证书)

  1.Institute of Technology, Carlow
  2.Athlone Institute of Technology
  3.Cork Institute of Technology
  4.Dundalk Institute of Technology
  5.Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
  6.Letterkenny Institute of Technology
  7.Institute of Technology, Blanchardstown
  8.Limerick Institute of Technology
  9.Institute of Technology, Sligo
  10.Dublin Institute of Technology
  11.Institute of Technology, Tallaght
  12.Institute of Technology, Tralee
  13.Waterford Institute of Technology
  14.Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design, and Technology

  1.Irish Management Institute
  2.Burren College of Art
  3.Dublin Business School
  4.Griffith College
  5.Holy Ghost College
  6.HSI College
  7.LSB College
  8.Mid West Business Institute
  9.Milltown Institute of Theology & Philosophy
  10.National College of Ireland
  11.Portobello College
  12.Skerry’s Business College
  13.ST.John’s College, Waterford
  14.St. Michaels House
  15.St. Nicholas Montessori College, Ireland
  16.St. Patrick College
  17.The American College, Dublin
  18.Tipperary Institute



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