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发表于 2005-8-5 15:33:47 | 显示全部楼层


【声音网站二当家桃十画翻译,转载请保留】 官方网站:http://www.iridiomusic.com 下面来说说瓦伦蒂娜和弗郎茨是如何开始他们世界音乐旅程的故事以及IRIDIO的诞生过程。 瓦伦蒂娜 我12岁开始弹古典吉他并学习了两年相关课程。那时我经常在家中通过收听收音机的歌曲来练习弹奏。15岁的时候,我觉得我需要进入一个乐队,和其他人一起演奏。于是我和学校的一些朋友组建了一个摇滚乐队叫做Dogma,我在里面弹贝斯同时做背景人声。这个经历显示了我较好的声乐技巧也让我明白了歌唱是我真正的激情所在。从此我开始学习一些课程并花了好几年时间,在不同的乐队演唱。我真的很喜欢凯尔特和古代的音乐,有段时间我还去学习演唱歌剧,事实证明那对我大有帮助。1998年我成为了重金属乐团Beholder的歌手;和他们录制了三张专集还参与了许多音乐会和音乐节的演出。我是一个思想开放的艺术家,我一直试图尝试不同类型的音乐风格,因此,我还参加了一些流行乐曲的录制。 遇到弗郎茨是我生命的转折点:他向我揭示了电子音乐的奇妙世界并让我深深地爱上了电子音乐。
弗郎茨 在我还是个孩子的时候,我就开始对电子音乐着迷了。在学校的音乐课上老师叫我们买一样音乐用具,我所有的朋友带的都是录音机,唯独我十分骄傲地带来卡西欧VL-1(一种流行的迷你电子合成器)当然在一个教会学校的音乐会上那是不被允许拿来演奏的。多年以后我开始学习钢琴一学就是十年。还在一些摇滚乐团玩键盘。1997年我被邀请到一个叫Louisiana Train的布鲁斯乐团去演奏。和他们一起在几百个音乐会和著名的音乐节上表演,还录制了许多蓝调歌曲。但是再一次的,我的Roland JP 8000 型电子合成器不再受欢迎。 其实我一直对音乐的技术有着浓厚的兴趣,我甚至学习过录音师的课程并建立了自己的录音室,名叫Apeiron 录音工作室。前几年,我还参加了一些流行音乐的项目。 2002年我决定将我们所有的音乐旅程与各种口味相融合于是就诞生了IRIDIO。我们的第一张专集取名叫生命的波浪,由Standing Stones Records唱片公司发布。
原文: Here is the story of how Valentina and Franz started their adventures in the world of music and of how they gave birth to IRIDIO. VALENTINA – I started playing classical guitar when I was 12 years old and I took lessons for about two years. At that time I used to play at home by my own trying to learn the songs I heard on the radio. At the age of 15 I felt the need to play in a band with other people: me and some school friends founded a rock band called Dogma where I played the bass and sang some backing vocals. This experience showed that I had good vocal skills and made me understand that singing was my real passion. I started taking lessons and I spent a couple of years singing in many different bands. I really loved Celtic and ancient music, so I studied opera singing for a while, which turned out to be very helpful for that kind of music. In 1998 I became the singer of the heavy metal band Beholder; I’ve recorded three albums with them and I’ve played many concerts and big festivals. I’ve always been a very open minded artist and I’ve always been interested in experiencing different musical styles, therefore I also took part in some pop and dance productions. The turning point was when I met Franz: he revealed to me the magic world of electronic music and I soon fell in love with it. FRANZ – My obsession for electronic music started when I was a child. We had music lessons at school and the teacher wanted us to buy an instrument: all my friends came with a recorder… I was very proud of my CASIO VL-1 (a popular “mini synthesizer”)!! Of course I was not allowed to play it during the Christmas school concert! Some years later I started taking piano lessons and I studied it for ten years. I played the keyboards in some rock and pop bands and in 1997 I was asked to play in a blues band called Louisiana Train. I performed hundreds of concerts and famous festivals with them and I’ve recorded many songs for some blues compilations. Once again my Roland JP 8000 synth was not welcome… I’ve always felt a deep interest in music technologies: I studied as a sound engineer and I created my own recording studio called Apeiron Recording Studio. In the last few years I’ve been involved in some pop and dance projects. In 2002 we decided to mix up all our musical experiences and tastes and so we gave birth to IRIDIO. The first album called WAVES OF LIFE is released by Standing Stones Records.
[ Last edited by ioioioioi on 2005-8-5 at 15:36 ]




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发表于 2005-8-5 15:35:14 | 显示全部楼层
第一时间抢占沙发 支持IO!!!!!
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-5 15:37:01 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-5 15:37:36 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-8-5 15:38:09 | 显示全部楼层
完了??9o639o63脑袋自己翻的590o:590o: so强。。。。
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发表于 2005-8-5 15:38:12 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-5 15:41:23 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by at 2005-8-5 15:38 完了??9o639o63脑袋自己翻的590o:590o: so强。。。。
哪是我翻的呀.转的.. 085:o
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发表于 2005-8-5 16:22:40 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by ioioioioi at 2005-8-5 15:41 哪是我翻的呀.转的.. 085:o
西西 在支持一下!
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