
楼主 |
发表于 2007-9-12 09:12:07
~On the first day of Christmas
my true love sent to me~
Cain: ^____^ A cute Riffy in a bird cage...
~On the second day of Christmas
my true love sent to me~
Alexis: Two smoking pipes… My son is gay O.o?
Cain: ¬_¬ And, a cute Riffy in a bird cage...
~On the third day of Christmas
my true love sent to me~
Cley: Three Cain bribes… Cain is my sugar daddy >P
Alexis: Two smoking pipes… My son is your WHAT!
Cain: Very funny Cley v_v;; And, a cute Riffy in a bird cage...
(我不懂sugar daddy是什么意思,金山词霸翻的不太明白,cley是灵媒师)
~On the fourth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me~
Merryweather: Four teddy bears… Again brother?
Cley: e.e Three Cain bribes…
Alexis: (Must burn teddy bears) Two smoking pipes…
Cain: ^.^; what's wrong with teddy bears? And, a cute Riffy in a bird cage...
~On the fifth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me~!
Ida: FIVE GOLDEN WIGS! I will not stand for this stereotyping!
Merryweather: I like my hair long ;-; Four teddy bears…
Cley: T-T Three Cain bribes…
Alexis: 0.0 Two smoking pipes…
Cain: I thought she was quite fetching in a wig ^-^ And, a cute Riffy in a bird cage...
~On the sixth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me~
Dr. Jezebel: Six scalpels shinning… Ooo soo pretty *.*
Ida: FIVE GOLDEN WIGS! Men are dogs to favor blonde chicks!
Merryweather: Be very afraid o.o Four teddy bears…
Cley: *Reading his cards* Three Cain bribes…
Alexis: I hire lackeys that are crackers T-T Two smoking pipes…
Cain: Here goes her feminist rant again >.< And, a cute Riffy in a bird cage...
~On the seventh day of Christmas
my true love sent to me~
Oscar: Seven lucky Cain hugging… *Hugs Cain.*
Dr. Jezebel: Six scalpels shinning… No, Cain is mine! >o< *Steals Cain away*
Ida: FIVE GOLDEN WIGS! No Oscar, I shan't role-play with the likes of YOU! ¬~¬
Merryweather: Four teddy bears… Leave my brother alone you eye fetish freak! >( *Kicks the Dr. in the shins*
Cley: *Counting his money* Three Cain bribes…
Alexis: Is that red haired man gay too? O.O Two smoking pipes…
Cain: And, a cute Riffy in a bird cage... Riff save me! *Jumps into a surprised Riff's arms*
~On the eighth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me~!
Riff: Eight leather clothing… Oh my *Turns bright red*
Oscar: Seven lucky Cain hugging… *Hugs Cain and Riff*
Dr. Jezebel: Six scalpels shinning… No fair, I want Cain too!
Ida: FIVE GOLDEN WIGS! Cain, you better not ask for my wigs. ¬.¬
Merryweather: Oscar, are you using me to get to my brother? Four teddy bears…
Cley: (I am soo glad I like women.) Three Cain bribes…
Alexis: This is too much queerness! @~@ Two smoking pipes…
Cain: And, a cute Riffy in a bird cage... Oscar, get off us! *Uses his cane to beat off the unwanted hugger*
~On the ninth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me~
Michaela: Nine hamsters man-eating... My pets, attack the red haired man! >D
Riff: Please master, do not use those words in public ^.^; Eight leather clothing…
Oscar: Seven lucky Cain hugging… AHHH! Get these wee beasties off me!!
Dr. Jezebel: O.o Six scalpels shinning…
Ida: FIVE GOLDEN WIGS! That's it! I shall set these on fire! *Burns wigs*
Merryweather: v_v; Four teddy bears…
Cley: *Puts out fire* Three Cain bribes…
Alexis: I see, hear, or speak no evil. Two smoking pipes…
Cain: *Tries to poison a soulless hamster* And, a cute Riffy in a bird cage...
~On the tenth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me~
Owl: Ten violins screeching… Please Ida, stop playing the violin. x_x
Michaela: Nine hamsters man-eating... Hey, stop killing off my hamster >.<
Riff: Master Cain, red is not my color v_v; Eight leather clothing…
Oscar: I need a medic. Seven lucky Cain hugging…
Dr. Jezebel: Oscar, let me dissect err, help you X3. Six scalpels shinning…
Ida: FIVE GOLDEN WIGS! Card Master, Jezebel is being weird again! >(
Merryweather: Four teddy bears… ;<_<
Cley: I feel like I am being paid to be in this freak show e_e. Three Cain bribes…
Alexis: But, I see you as being paid like a male prostitute o.o Two smoking pipes…
Cain: Let's get this strait! I don't have a relationship with Cley! >o< And, a cute Riffy in a bird cage...
~On the eleventh day of Christmas
my true love sent to me~
Cashian: Eleven medical reading… Huh, I don't get it ?~?
Owl: Ten violins screeching… Oh my ears! Go back to the guitar, Ida X_X
Michaela: My poor hamsters ;-; Nine hamsters man-eating...
Riff: I wished for a normal present T-T Eight leather clothing…
Oscar: *In the Christmas tree away from Jezebel* Seven lucky Cain hugging…
Dr. Jezebel: Six scalpels shinning… Drat, no new experimenting \ _ /
Ida: FIVE GOLDEN WIGS! Stop being a wimp Owl and take my playing like a man!
Merryweather: Four teddy bears… *Has tea with them*
Cley: *Having tea with Merryweather* Three Cain bribes…
Alexis: *Wonders where he hid the poisoned sugar cubes* Two smoking pipes…
Cain: *Also having tea made by Riff* And, a cute Riffy in a bird cage...
~On the twelfth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me~
Gladstone: Twelve novels dramatizing… Be my love slave Jezebel *_*
Cashian: Eleven Medical reading… *Tosses a few huge medical books at Gladstone*
Owl: *Stuffs cotton balls in his ears* Ten violins screeching…
Michaela: *Skips over to Jezebel* Please sir, may I have some more cute pets <3 Nine hamsters man-eating...
Riff: Love slave! O.O Eight leather clothing…
Oscar: What a quack that one is! Seven lucky Cain hugging…
Dr. Jezebel: Drop dead Lord Pervert! Six scalpels shinning…
Ida: FIVE GOLDEN WIGS! *Fumes darkly*
Merryweather: Four teddy bears… *Tosses them at Gladstone*
Cley: *Shudders* Three Cain bribes…
Alexis: No, not lord Gladstone. He can't be gay as well! >_< Two smoking pipes…
Cain & Co: And A cute Riffy in a bird cage... |