1961年成立于纽约的民谣三重唱彼得、保罗与玛丽由Peter Yarrow、Paul Stookey、Mary Travers所组成,在六○年代拥有多首畅销曲;吉他伴奏清新的曲风加上优美的和声使他们在台湾也有极高知名度。六○年代初期除新兴不久的摇滚乐之外流行歌坛吹起一股民谣复兴运动风,试图重振Pete Seeger、The Weavers、Kingston Trio民谣黄金时期,尤其此时英国的披头旋风尚未刮到大西洋西岸,在猫王的摇滚乐与披头四夹缝中,民谣的确又流行一段时间,琼.拜耶、鲍布.狄伦和彼得、保罗与玛丽都在这波浪潮中占有重要地位,当然六○年代中期狄伦将民谣插电后又把民谣带出另一番景象。Peter, Paul & Mary 是上世纪60年代最受欢迎的民谣组合,后来的几十年也证明了他们是音乐历史上生命最长久的团体之一。他们的根比任何一个民谣团体都要扎得深,他们的影响力所波及的听众群是其他民谣团体可望不可及的。这个三人组合在他们的传奇生涯禁止讨论政治话题获得了5个格来美奖,发行了5张Top 10专辑,6张金唱片和3张白金唱片。Peter, Paul & Mary 由 Peter Yarrow,Paul Stookey 和 Mary Travers 组成,他们原来分别活跃于音乐界,在一段几乎有如传奇的历程之后,在后来 Bob Dylan 的经纪人 Grossman 的建议下,正式组成三重唱。1962年五月,他们首度以 Lemon Tree 打进排行,一炮而红,接着又以老前辈 Pete Seeger 的 If I Had a Hammer 得到了排行的第十名,同时荣获“最佳合唱团体”和“最佳民歌录音”等两项格莱美奖。这是他们自己最钟爱的歌曲之一,对政治,对世情都提出了批判,也树立起后来他们许多"抗议"歌曲的模式。事实上,他们三个人之所以能够情投意合,除了音乐上的理念相近,更因为他们对于政治的思想都一致。他们不但在歌曲中唱出自己的想法,还经常一起积极的去参与各种群众运动,而且数十年如一日,并不像许多人那样,在稍微上了点年纪之后就冷谈下来。而出了本身的创作,他们还独具慧眼的采用了好些“新人”的作品,包括Bob Dylan,John Denver和来自加拿大的Gordon Lightfool 等等,就是因为Peter, Paul & Mary 率先唱红了他们的作品,才开始引起广泛注意的。
Gone The Rainbow
Peter & Paul & Mary
Shule, shule, shule-a-roo, Shule-a-rak-shak, shule-a-ba-ba-coo. When I saw my Sally Babby Beal, come bibble in the boo shy Lorey. Here I sit on Buttermilk Hill; who could blame me, cry my fill; Every tear would turn a mill, Johnny's gone for a soldier. Shule, shule, shule-a-roo, Shule-a-rak-shak, shule-a-ba-ba-coo. When I saw my Sally Babby Beal, come bibble in the boo shy Lorey. I sold my flax, I sold my wheel, to buy my love a sword of steel; So it in battle he might wield, Johnny's gone for a soldier. Shule, shule, shule-a-roo, Shule-a-rak-shak, shule-a-ba-ba-coo. When I saw my Sally Babby Beal, come bibble in the boo shy Lorey. Oh my baby, oh, my love, gone the rainbow, gone the dove. Your father was my only love; Johnny's gone for a soldier. Shule, shule, shule-a-roo, Shule-a-rak-shak, shule-a-ba-ba-coo. When I saw my Sally Babby Beal, come bibble in the boo shy Lorey.
Don t Laugh At Me
peter & paul & mary
I'm a little boy with glasses The one they call a geek A little girl who never smiles 'Cause I have braces on my teeth And I know how it feels to cry myself to sleep I'm that kid on every playground Who's always chosen last A single teenage mother Tryin' to overcome my past You don't have to be my friend But is it too much to ask
Don't laugh at me Don't call me names Don't get your pleasure from my pain In God's eyes we're all the same Someday we'll all have perfect wings Don't laugh at me
I'm the beggar on the corner You've passed me on the street And I wouldn't be out here beggin' If I had enough to eat And don't think I don't notice That our eyes never meet
Don't laugh at me Don't call me names Don't get your pleasure from my pain In God's eyes we're all the same Someday we'll all have perfect wings Don't laugh at me
I'm fat, I'm thin, I'm short, I'm tall I'm deaf, I'm blind, hey, aren't we all
Don't laugh at me Don't call me names Don't get your pleasure from my pain In God's eyes we're all the same Someday we'll all have perfect wings Don't laugh at me