Label: List Records Format: CD Country: UK Released: Jun 2007 Genre: Electronic Style: IDM, Downtempo
Boy is fiction is a studio project based in Melbourne, Australia. His self titled debut was released in mid 2007 on the UK's List Records《Boy is Fiction》. 来自澳洲墨尔本的一支乐队。
当我想要接触这支乐队,不是因为封面上那棵张牙舞爪却明显无法控制什么的枯树。而是因为“I Like trains”这个乐队名。 几年前的我,把火车当作能够逃离的幻想寄托工具。以为,总有一天,会乘上火车远离当时的那一切,。于是,当我第一次一个人躺在他怀里驶向远方的时候,那么的亢奋,激动。每一次,都会是。虽然从来都知道,结果的针线只是穿过棉布一样的地域,并不能见血。
低沉的男声,麻木女声的偶尔附和。贝司在不远处躁动。"We play a waiting game. and it won't be alone now." "this town is burning down." ...again and again. 所以走吧,乘上我爱的火车,跟着节奏离开。
【Voice of reason】.让我瞬间沉浸下去。和twenty five sins一样,所有的伤痛,统统崩溃在火车的节奏声和他清晰的歌声里。我觉得自己也在行驶着,毫无目的地的,又一次寄托了希望的。灵魂应该不在这里,她在远处寻找归属。她那么卖力的寻觅着。 我并不了解她看见了什么,但似乎是很强大的东西。关于悲泣,关于重生。这首歌,前半段会带你离开,后半段会让你释放痛苦。
来自瑞典的后摇滚团体Aerial 1. Heads gone 2. My god, it's full of stars 3. 46th street 4. Walk with me 5. You will all die, all things will 6. Youth and student travel 7. The dark star deleters 8. Secret godess 9. Star-lit stairs
星球大战开始,你们都将被消灭。Haaaahaa。 Telestrion intend to take listeners on a bombastic, psychedelic musical journey. Steeped in vintage and new sounds, the band succeeds in being heavy, melodic and trippy on their 12 song debut, which includes a cover of Pink Floyd's " 。
《The one to go》竟然让我想起星球大战...orz... 比较中意他们的《blue sunshine》,《middle of something》。 SO.......Get your mind out... 在亚特兰大形成一直摇滚味十足不乏经典的后摇乐队。