Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face You told me how proud you were but I walked away If only I knew what I know today
I would hold you in my arms I would take the pain away Thank you for all you've done Forgive all your mistakes There's nothing I wanna do To hear your voice again Sometimes I want to call you but I know you won't be there
I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do And I hurt myself by hating you Somedays I feel broke inside but I won't admit Sometimes I just want to hide 'cause it's you I miss You know it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this
Would you tell me I was wrong? Would you help me understand? Are you looking down upon me? Are you proud of who I am? There's nothing I want to do To have just one more chance To look into your eyes and see you looking back
I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do And I've had myself If I had just one more day, I would tell you how much that I've missed you since you've been away
Oh, it's dangerous It's so I'm afraid to try to turn back time
I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do And I've had myself
By hurting you
1998年,18岁的克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉(Christina Aguilera)凭借一曲《I Wanna Run to You》的试唱带赢得迪斯尼动画大片《花木兰》的主题曲《Reflection》(在线音频)的主唱权,这首单曲成功进入美国成人抒情榜的前15名,从此克里斯蒂娜迅速窜红。
克里斯蒂娜很具有演唱天赋,不论从哪个角度看,都更具有成为一名明星的条件。舞姿妖娆妩媚,歌声也具有玛丽亚·凯莉的影子。凭借首张专辑《瓶中精灵》(Genie in a Bottle,在线音频)就夺得了2000年格莱美最佳新人奖,之后稳步发展,成为当时小天后布兰妮的强劲对手。