他的第一张唱片Enrique Iglesias就取得了不俗的成绩。紧接着各种奖项也接踵而来,其中最让Enrique感到骄傲的就是荣获1995年度的Billboard最佳新人奖,那年,也仅20岁。在此之前,人们只是通过他的父亲才了解Enrique的。为了改变这种状况,Fonovisa公司为这个绰号“马汀”的毛头小子精心举办了一场化妆舞会,Enrique也希望通过这场舞会来证明自己拥有非凡的实力,绝非因为他有一位显赫的父亲;事实上,老Iglesias先生也曾认为他那宝贝儿子缺乏那根把音乐神经。 1997年,Enrique推出了专辑Vivir后,开始了他第一次世界巡演。他在16个国家共举办了78场演唱会。观众超过70万。同年荣膺Grammy奖年度最佳艺人奖,Billboard更授予他为年度最杰出音乐家。随后一年,Enrique乘胜追击,推出他第三张个人专辑Cowas Del Amor。为配合唱片宣传,Enirque在全球各地开了80场演唱会,那些日子,他更是频繁地在各大电视媒体上亮相。Cowas Del Amor全球销量高达800万张。此专辑的成功,更使拉丁音乐潮席卷全球。
(Cause baby half the fun is)
(In us figuring it up all out)
So why you gotta ask me
What I'm doing now
(Cause I don't like to question )
(What I still haven't found )
So don't turn off the lights
I don't wanna be in the dark tonight
Cause I can't read your mind
I need to know if what I'm doing is right
So don't turn off the lights
So don 't turn off the lights
So tell me how we're gonna get there
It's hard to even try
But if we move together oh yeah, yeah
(We'll end up on the second side )
So don't turn off the lights
I don't wanna be in the dark tonight
Cause I can't read your mind
I need to know if what I'm doing is right
So don't turn off the lights
So don 't turn off the lights
If you could know what I'm feeling
Would you run and where would you go
If you want to know what I'm thinking
Then just turn on the lights and you'll know
So don't turn off the lights
I don't wanna be in the dark tonight
Cause I can't read your mind
I need to know if what I'm doing is right
So don't turn off the lights
So don 't turn off the lights