
楼主 |
发表于 2006-5-5 08:24:02
君の手で切り裂いて 遠い日の記憶を
さぁ 愛に焦がれた 胸を 貫け
傍らの鳥が羽ばたいた どこか光を見つけられたのかな
なぁ お前の背に俺も乗せてくれないか
そして 一番高い所で置き去りにして優しさから遠ざけて
君の手で切り裂いて 遠い日の記憶を
さぁ 愛に焦がれた 胸を 貫け
鳥を夕闇に見送った 地をは這うばかりの俺を風がなぜる
もう 随分と立ち尽くしてみたけど
君の手で鍵をかけて ためらいなどないだろう
間違っても 二度と開くことのないように
さぁ 錠の落ちる音で終わらせて
今 月が満ちる夜を生み出すのさ
用你的手切開 遠的日的記憶
那麼 愛的胸穿透一心嚮往
不斷看明天應該來臨的天空 迷惑的心能拿餘著
旁邊的鳥振翅了的 哪裡被發現了光嗎
喂 我也放上你的脊背不羞澀嗎
用你的手切開 遠的日的記憶
那麼 愛的胸穿透一心嚮往
向以暮色目送了鳥 風為何不斷在地上爬行的我
羽雖說不想要 想變成至少在空中中飄舞蜂蜜的葉
已經 相當試著站到最後,不過
大概沒有回答吧 象這個風也去的安排等沒有一樣地
用你的手使用鑰匙 猶豫等沒有吧
象搞錯 再也打開的事沒有一樣地
那麼 由於鎖落入的聲音使之結束
Cleave apart the memories of those faraway days with your hands
End the breath of sadness
Come on, pierce through my chest made anxious by love
Looking at the sky in which the tomorrow will come, I don't know what to do with my heart that is only lost
Birds by my side flew away- I wonder if they found light somewhere
Come now, won't you let me ride on your back, too?
Then keep far away from the kindess that I deserted at the highest place
Cleave apart the memories of those faraway days with your hands
End the breath of sadness
Come on, pierce through my chest made anxious by love
I saw off birds into the dark evening, the wind strokes the me who merely crawls the ground
I won't say that I want wings; I want to become melissa leaves dancing in midair, at least
I've already tried to keep standing many times
But that's probably not the answer, right?
'Cause then I won't go against this wind
Take the key with your hands, you won't be hesitating, right?
Even if you were wrong, if it seems that it'd never open again
Come on, end it with the sound of a lock falling
A soul that cannot be saved drifts and disappears
In the instant it vanishes, it shines faintly
Now, it creates a night with a full moon
Kimi no te de kirisaite Tooi hi no kioku wo
Kanashimi no iki no ne wo tometekure yo
Saa Ai ni kogareta mune wo tsuranuke
Asu ga kuru hazu no sora wo mite Mayou bakari no kokoro moteamashiteru
Katawara no tori ga habataita Doko ka hikari wo mitsukerareta no ka na
Naa Omae no se ni ore mo nosetekurenai ka?
Soshite ichiban takai toko de okizari ni shite yasashisa kara toozakete
Kimi no te de kirisaite Tooi hi no kioku wo
Kanashimi no iki no ne wo tometekure yo
Saa Ai ni kogareta mune wo tsuranuke
Tori wo yuuyami ni miokutta Chi wo hau bakari no ore wo kaze ga nazeru
Hane ga hoshii to wa iwanai sa Semete chuu ni mau MELISSA no ha ni naritai
Mou Zuibun to tachitsukushite mita kedo
Tabun kotae wa nai no darou Kono kaze ni mo iku ate nado nai you ni
Kimi no te de kagi wo kakete Tamerai nado nai daro
Machigatte mo Nidoto aku koto no nai you ni
Saa Jou no ochiru oto de owarasete
Sukui no nai tamashii wa nagasarete kieyuku
Kieteyuku shunkan ni wazuka hikaru
Ima Tsuki ga michiru yoru wo umidasu no sa
[ 本帖最后由 小夜貓子 于 2006-5-5 08:35 编辑 ] |